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Company News
Epic Inform

Epic Staffing Group is proud to announce the launching of Epic Inform, a safe space where employees and clients can anonymously voice out any issues affecting their safety and wellbeing. This safe space is not only designed to empower employees to speak up, but it also encourages them to be a positive contributor to the Epic culture.

The Importance of Creating Safe Spaces in the Workplace

At Epic, we prioritize honesty, accountability, respect, and fairness, which are essential for anyone to join our team. These principles, however, are just the start. Our core values—unique to Epic and demonstrated through our actions—embody what truly sets us apart. These values ensure everyone, from clients to clinicians and corporate employees, feels valued and engaged, aligning us with a mission far beyond our daily tasks. 

Recognizing safety and security as fundamental human needs, Epic Staffing Group is committed to creating a workplace where employees feel safe, promoting an environment that encourages creativity, innovation, and open communication. This commitment not only enhances individual performance but also strengthens our company culture, uniting us in transparency and trust.

What Is Epic Inform?

Epic Inform is a hotline that allows employees and clients of Epic Staffing Group to submit reports of misconduct or voice out their concerns. Because employee safety is our priority, we encourage employees to use Epic Inform to notify us about any concerns regarding workplace safety. For example, if there have been any incidents of violence, in any form, conducted by or against an employee, you can submit a report via Epic Inform.

Employees and clients can also use Epic Inform to share information on unethical behavior. Examples of this include bribery, corruption, misappropriation of assets, falsification of documentation, and violations of the privacy law.

Lastly, Epic Inform also serves as an outlet for employees and clients to voice out issues affecting their well-being. Here at Epic, we want our employees to feel safe not just physically but also psychologically. If issues such as toxic work environments and conflicts among colleagues are affecting you, make sure to let us know through Epic Inform.

Leading the Way in Employee Empowerment

At the center of Epic Inform is one of our core values, “if it matters to you, it matters to us.” Through Epic Inform, we empower employees to speak out and advocate for themselves, creating a healthier work environment for everyone. At Epic, we want our employees to feel seen and heard, because your voice matters to us.

To use Epic Inform or get more information about how it works, visit: https://epicstaffinggroup.com/ethics/ 


Epic Staffing Group