Healthcare &
Life Sciences Staffing Solutions

It's not just about what we do, but how we do it
At Epic, we set a high bar for the personnel and behavioral attributes that we hold critical across all of our businesses for how we treat each other, our clinicians and clients, and how we present ourselves. Things like honesty, accountability, respect, and fairness are the minimum requirements to be a part of this organization, not our core values. Our core values are things we define as unique to Epic, that are hard to achieve, and that we can prove by our actions. Having core values means being held accountable to them, and being rewarded when they are demonstrated. These core beliefs are the foundation of ensuring our people, whether they be clients, clinicians or corporate employees, feel important and valued – heart and mind. True engagement resides in our core values, and have become what we reflect to our people and the outside world, how we attract talent, and has united us on a mission that’s much bigger than what we do.

If It Matters To You, It Matters To Us
We're a company that values our employees. We care about what makes our team thrive and celebrate our diverse
interests and passions.

Be Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
Life in the comfort zone may be safe but it
doesn't promote growth. We encourage our employees to think of new ways to succeed without fear of failure.

We Go All In
Going all in means we are fully invested in everything we do. Whether it's work or play, we bring our strengths and passion to give our team and our partners 110% effort.

We Show Up
Being an active participant, creating connections, and fostering community. Observing, listening, and engaging to increase understanding and develop a vision for our future.

Be Resilient
It's all about reframing our perspective when facing adversity and approaching every challenge with grit and a solution mindset. Change happens...we will come out stronger.
// Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
We Aim to Empower Engagement and the
We Aim to Empower Engagement and the
Employee Experience in Everything We Do
The whole person is important to Epic, and so we strive to connect the multiple outlooks and varied identities to celebrate our diversity.
Maintaining awareness of potential challenges and striving to ensure equitable opportunities through words and actions.
Genuine connections to the people, purpose and mission of Epic via a safe environment where employees feel comfortable.